Yuliia Dobrohurska, once fleeing Russian bombings in Ukraine, now dazzles as a fashion jeweller in Italy. Her journey from fear to aspiration culminated in a showcase at the “Refugees Live Fashion Show” in Rome, where she flaunted her creations alongside professional models. Dobrohurska, one of 19 refugees completing a six-month fashion course, envisions endless possibilities in Italy. With newfound skills from the Maiani fashion academy, she embarks on an apprenticeship in Rome. The initiative, part of a network promoting refugee integration through arts and crafts, highlights the transformative power of creativity and cultural exchange. As refugees find their footing in Italian society, their talents shine, offering hope and healing in the face of adversity.
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From Refuge to Runway: Refugee Fashion Show in Rome Shines Spotlight on Hope and Talent
Refugees Find New Beginnings Through Fashion Design in Italy
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Hamed Karimi is a Senior Reporter at the European Diversity Newsroom (EDN), focusing on migration, refugee rights, and asylum policies in Europe. An Afghan journalist in exile, he brings a unique perspective to his reporting, highlighting the lived experiences of displaced communities and advocating for inclusivity and human rights. Based in Germany, Hamed specializes in investigative storytelling that bridges policy and personal narratives.